Friday, November 29, 2019
Shoplifting Causes and Solutions Essay Example
Shoplifting: Causes and Solutions Paper Understanding of teen issues, immediate consequences and parent and school involvement are ways to help resolve this behavior in juveniles. How can society as a whole find the solutions necessary to reduce the influx of teenage criminals into a life of crime? As teenagers become aware of their status among their peers, they begin to ponder what can help them to become an accepted part of the in crowd at school and in their neighborhoods. The status symbols they look for are mostly material, whether it be who lives in the better house, who has the nicest family car or who has the most money, For those who need this acceptance, but lack the essential ingredients, there is only one way to gain it, and that is to get it, and get it any way they can, peer pressure among teens plays an important role when it comes to shoplifting. Teens try to keep up with their peers that wear the latest and greatest in todays fashion industry (Teen Shoplifting Statistics, 201 0), As teens attempt to gain acceptance, more and more items become available to them. We will write a custom essay sample on Shoplifting: Causes and Solutions specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Shoplifting: Causes and Solutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Shoplifting: Causes and Solutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Cell phones, video games, Pods and other small expensive items have become popular among teens, and teens need to feel they have the test to compete with their peers. Paced with the lack of money, they may turn to shoplifting to et those things (Teen Shoplifting Statistics, 2010). There are other reasons teens give as to why they began to shoplift, and most say that they were bored and did not have anything better to do. When a teen experiences the euphoric feeling Of getting away With shoplifting, it is much more difficult to stop. According to the National Association of Shoplifting Prevention, there are approximately 27 million shoplifters in our nation today, or one in eleven people. Twenty-five percent of them are kids. The other seventy-five percent (over 20 million) are adults, and fifty-five percent of them, a staggering 1 1 lion, state that they started shoplifting as a kid (Shoplifting Statistics, n. D). More staggering is the revelation according to the 2006 Juvenile Offenders and Victims Report, 43% of youth reported engaging in shoplifting or theft under $50 by the time they were 1 7 years of age (National Association for Shoplifting Prevention, n,d. It is also important to understand that getting something tort nothing means more to a shoplifter than the value Ottawa they stole. It can represent different things to different people. It is a substitute for loss if they tell they were unfairly deprived through a divorce, illness or death of a loved en, or loss of a job, When someone steals something as simple as a bottle of shampoo, it can temporarily relieve anxiety and give them a feeling of control. Poor some, it is a justified payback and for others it is a relief mechanism for depression, anxiety or frustration (Berlin, P. N. D. ). Some teens may shoplift because of a dare from one of their friends or may act to be accepted in a group of friends that shoplift. This behavior should not be reinforced and should be treated with understanding. They need to be made aware Of the consequences of their actions enough to never want to do it again. In order to accomplish his, teens that are caught shoplifting should be detained instantly. Parents should be called and notified of the situation and be made to pick up their child. These teens should be handcuffed and escorted through the store, and be made aware of the fact that multiple offenses may amount to a criminal record thereby making it harder for them to find a job, go to college or accomplish many of their future aspirations (Teen Shoplifting Statistics, 2010). Our prisons today are filled with many criminals who started out in their life of crime as a teen, According too study conducted by Athena Research Corp., many juvenile fenders started out shoplifting at a convenience store and then graduated to robbery. Its a sequence, said Rosemary Erickson, Phd, a forensic sociologist and founder to Athena Research Corp. (8. G. , F. , 2006). The first step in addressing this issue is parent involvement. Parents need to be aware of their teen and notice any new items to clothing and or device. Dont be afraid to ask your teen where they attained their new treasures. Being observant allows the teen to know their parents care and would reduce the need to steal substantially. As small children we can all remember the time we stole candy from the cash sister line, opening it in the car feeling happy until our mom or dad noticed and reprimanded us for stealing. The loving parent then returned to the store so we could apologize to the store manager and pay for the candy. What a great teaching tool and impression this can make on the young child. Teaching children the value of honesty can be a great lesson learned as they grow throughout their life. When faced with the pressures to shoplift, they can remember their childhood experiences and would in turn refrain from stealing (Teen Shoplifting Statistics, 2010). Parents should not make excuses for their teens when they are caught hopping. This instills disrespect for authority Within the child, and they do not recognize that what they have done is wrong, whatever their reasons were. Parents need to listen to their teen to find the root of their behavior and understanding them is crucial in solving any problems they face. If these tendencies are not solved during their teenage years, their behavior may carry through to their adult life, thereby creating a lifelong criminal. Even though it does not seem so, this is a serious crime that should not be treated lightly. Parents should take this opportunity to guide their children to be honest citizens Teen shoplifting statistics, 2010). In Trip-Valley California, teens that are caught shoplifting may have to face one of their peers in a volunteer diversion program known as Youth Court. Mark Lark, a 16 year old junior at Livermore High was looking for a different volunteer opportunity when he came across this program. l think this is really cool we can help people our own age, said Lark, who was one of the first to volunteer. This is nothing like traditional court, The offenders admit guilt before they come to court. An adult volunteer presides as judge, but the jury and attorneys from both sides are young people like Mark It is intended to steer offenders away from trouble and participation is voluntary. With referrals from school officials, and police departments, the Youth Court proceedings will handle misdemeanors offenses such as shoplifting. Part of their sentence Will include community service and serving on a youth court jury. The offense does not go on their record, but those who do not complete their sentence get a couple of warnings before their cases are sent back to the official juvenile justice system where they may suffer a more conventional punishment. Coordinators are hoping that being judged by their peers might have an impact n recidivism and may have more meaning if it was not coming from adults. There is definitely a difference in the way you are treated, said Darrel White, youth offender program director for Oakland, CA. Once you get in the juvenile justice system, it is hard to get out (Lie, E. 2008) Together, Parents and school systems can join together to assist in the prevention of teen shoplifting and other teen behaviors. Schools can implement more volunteer opportunities, after school activities and better counseling, parents can become more involved in the everyday elite toothier children, remembering the time when they homeless were teenagers and the issues that they faced, Goth can assist in the education oftenest teens which would help offenders understand how shoplifting affects the lives of real people, not just the stores they shoplift from, They need to know the laws, how technology is used to catch shoplifters, and how much risk is involved. They can also understand the hardships they may face in their lives that can be caused by shoplifting, such as humiliation, embarrassment, going to jail, loss of trust by parents, friends and family, having a criminal record and difficulty getting a job, to name a few (Why Educational Rehabilitation Helps, . D. ) In essence, the solutions for the shoplifting epidemic are simple. It is a matter of whether or not the parents of these offenders and society as a whole are Willing enough to get involved and join together in creating a better future for these children. Today, there are more issues facing these children as more and more families struggle to survive in the face Of the recessionary environment. Many families are finding it more difficult to make ends meet, which in turn leaves less ability to give kids What they feel they need to bring them to the level of their peers. Giving them attention, educating them on the rights and wrongs of society and understanding their issues is a giant step in solving the ongoing problem of shoplifting.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Barracuda Facts
Barracuda Facts The barracuda (Sphyraenidae spp) is sometimes portrayed as an ocean menace, but does it deserve such a reputation? This common fish found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans as well as the Caribbean and Red seas, has threatening teeth and a habit of approaching swimmers, but its not the danger you might think. Fast Facts: Barracuda Scientific Name: SphyraenidaeCommon Name: BarracudaBasic Animal Group: FishSize: 20 inches to 6 feet or moreWeight: Up to 110 poundsLifespan: Varies by species; giant barracudas live up to 14 yearsSpeed: Up to 35 miles per hourDiet:à CarnivoreHabitat: Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, Caribbean and Red SeasPopulation: UnknownConservation Status: Not Evaluated Description Even if youre new toà fish identification, youll quickly learn to recognize the barracudas distinctive look. The fish has a long, slender body that is tapered at the ends and thicker in the middle. The head is somewhat flattened on top and pointed in front, and the lower jaw projects forward menacingly. Its two dorsal fins are far apart, and its pectoral fins are positioned low on the body. Most species are dark on top, with silver sides and a clear lateral line that extends from the head to the tail on each side. The barracudas caudal fin is slightly forked ââ¬â¹and curved on the trailing edge. Smaller barracuda species may max out at 20 inches in length, but the larger species can achieve a startling 6 feet or longer in size. Is there anything more unnerving than being approached by a fearless fish with a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth? Barracuda have big mouths, with long jaws and a characteristic under-bite. They also have a lot of teeth. In fact, barracuda have two rows of teeth: an outer row of small but sharp teeth for tearing flesh apart, and an inner row of long, dagger-like teeth to firmly grasp its prey. A few of the barracudas teeth point backward, as an extra aid for securing squirming fish. Smaller fish are mercifully swallowed whole, but larger fish are efficiently chopped to pieces in the hungry barracudas jaws. A barracuda can open its mouth wide enough to snatch just about any fish it encounters, from a tiny killifish to a chunky grouper. Image Source/Getty Images Species The name barracuda doesnt apply to one specific fish, but rather an entire family. The Sphyraenidae is the group of fish known collectively as barracuda. The species most people picture when thinking of a barracuda is probably the great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda), a commonly encountered fish. But the worlds oceans are full of all kinds of barracuda, including the pickhandle barracuda, the sawtooth barracuda, and the sharpfin barracuda. Some species are named for the area where they are found, like the Guinean barracuda, the Mexican barracuda, the Japanese barracuda, and the European barracuda. Habitat and Range Most species of barracuda live in near-shore habitats, such as seagrass beds, mangroves, and coral reefs. Theyre primarily marine fish, although a few varieties can tolerate brackish water at times. Barracuda inhabit the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, and are also commonly found in the Caribbean and Red seas. Diet Barracuda have a diverse diet, preferring small tunas, mullets, jacks, grunts, groupers, snappers, killifishes, herrings, and anchovies.à They hunt mainly by sight, scanning the water for signs of prey as they swim. Smaller fish are most visible when they reflect light and often look like shiny metal objects in the water. This, unfortunately, can lead to misunderstandings between barracuda and humans in the water. A swimmer or diver with anything reflective is likely to get an aggressive bump from a curious barracuda. The barracuda isnt interested in you, necessarily. It just wants to sample the object that looks like a shiny, silverfish. Still, its a bit unsettling to have a barracuda come barreling toward you, teeth first, so its best to remove anything reflective before getting in the water. Behavior A barracudas body is shaped like a torpedo and made for cutting through the water. This long, lean, and muscular fish is one of the fastest creatures in the sea, capable of swimming up to 35 mph. Barracuda swim almost as fast as the notoriously speedy mako sharks. Barracuda cant maintain top speed for long distances, however. The barracuda is a sprinter, capable of bursts of speed in pursuit of prey. They spend most of their time swimming slow enough to survey for food, and only accelerate when a meal is within reach; they often swim together in small or large schools. Reproduction and Offspring The timing and location of barracuda spawning are not as yet well-documented, but scientists surmise that mating takes place in deeper, offshore waters and probably in spring. Eggs are released by the female and fertilized by the male in open waters, and then are dispersed by currents.à Newly hatched barracuda larvae settle in shallow, vegetated estuaries, and leave the estuary when they have achieved a length of about 2 inches. They then stay in mangrove and seagrass habitats until they are about one year old.à Great barracuda have a lifespan of at least 14 years, and they typically reach sexual maturity at two years (male) and four years (female).à Fotosearch/Getty Imagesà Barracudas and Humans Because barracuda are fairly common and inhabit the same waters where people swim and dive, the chance of encountering a barracuda is quite high. But despite their proximity to people in the water, barracuda rarely attack or injure humans. Most bites occur when the barracuda mistakes a metallic object for a fish and attempts to snatch it. The barracuda isnt likely to continue biting once it realizes the object in question isnt food. Barracuda attacks are rare and almost never fatal. Those teeth will do some damage to an arm or leg, though, so victims usually require stitches. While smaller barracuda are generally safe to eat, larger barracuda can be ciguatoxic (poisonous to humans) because they consume larger fish with higher toxin loads. At the bottom of the food chain, toxic plankton known as Gambiendiscus toxicus attaches itself to algae on the coral reef. Small, herbivorous fish feed on the algae and consume the toxin, too. Larger, predatory fish prey on the small fish, and accumulate a higher concentration of the toxin in their bodies. Each successive predator accumulates more toxins. Ciguatera food poisoning is unlikely to kill you, but its not an experience youll enjoy. The biotoxins cause gastrointestinal, neurological, and cardiovascular symptoms that persist for weeks or months. Patients report hallucinations, severe muscle and joint pain, skin irritation, and even a reversal of hot and cold sensations. Unfortunately, theres no way to identify a ciguatoxin barracuda, and neither heat nor freezing can kill the fat-soluble toxins in a contaminated fish. Its best to avoid consuming large barracuda. Sources Family Sphyraenidae ââ¬â Barracuda., 2012.Martin, R. Aidan. Record-Breakers: Hauling Bass. Biology of Sharks and Rays. ReefQuest Center for Shark Research, 2003.Bester, Cathleen. Sphyraena barracuda: Great Barracuda. Florida Museum, University of Florida.Lawley, Richard. Ciguatoxins. Food Safety Watch, January 30, 2013.Olander, Doug. The Perils of Ciguatera: Will your next fresh-caught fish dinner be a toxic time bomb? Sport Fishing Magazine, May 5, 2011.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Fund Managers, Intangibles, and Private Disclosure Essay
Fund Managers, Intangibles, and Private Disclosure - Essay Example Intangibles come in many different forms and nature. Example of these includes structural capital, human capital and relational capital. In the present case, however, intellectual capital is the only intangible that is mentioned. A large extent, it can be said that this is so because the intellectual capital of the present company is made up of an embodiment of all the components of intangibles. What is more, given any market value, intellectual capital is believed to be made up of the difference in the market value and tangible assets possessed by the company. Therefore, because the core component of cash input in the case was share price, the intellectual capital was named as the only intangible to represent all difference that would come from the share price and tangible assets. One critical condition that can be used to judge whether the meeting constitutes insider information or not has to do with whether or not the information given can provide any form of financial advantage in the trading of shares of companies. From this perspective, since the meeting with the fund manager involved information on how value arose and how efforts can be put in place to ensure that in future dealings, more value arose from the intangibles, this advantage could be described as insider information. If for nothing at all, the information that was received was a non-public fact and not accessible to all other players in the share trade business. Ideally, because the overall income of the fund manager is determined by a ratio of the overall fund average asset, it would be said that the insider information was going to benefit the fund manager. This is because he was going to be put in a position where he was going to have better strategies put in place to manage the portfolio of trading activities and consequently see a higher rise in the fundââ¬â¢s average assets.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Dunkins brands strategic performance Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Dunkins brands strategic performance - Article Example Dunkin Brands Group is the parent company of Dunkin Donuts (DD) and Baskin-Robbins (BR) that has its headquarters in, Massachusetts in the United States. Dunkin Donuts and Baskin-Robbins were initially owned by a French multinational corporation that was known as Pernod Ricard and afterwards they were bought purchased by the American Multinational company that is known as Dunkinââ¬â¢ Brands. Its history of offering breakfast meals that is supposed to be simple and straightforward has given it an edge over the competitors that are in the same industry such as Starbucks since the company targets the people who are modest and mind about how they spend their money. The company tries to grow in all the aspects so that it can be able to reach as many customers as possible and develop more products that will appeal to these clients in an effort to achieve proper retail placement which normally can be a delicate balance. The company partners with several grocery retailers but does not put its business in the store within a store concept that will include a grocery since they want to be within big places that are frequented by more consumers as the target more people. Dunkinââ¬â¢ donuts has not been left behind as far a technology is concerned since the have employed the use of software that if adopted is able to tell the location of their different stores that are to come up as the software called iSite from geoVue helps the company to analyze where it can put more restaurants that will better serve the people. In the fourth quarter of 2012 Dunkinââ¬â¢ Brands had a variety of highlights that included a 3.2 percent growth in the sales of its Donuts compared to the other stores that are in the United States. In the rest of the world the brand also posted significant success that was exhibited by the opening of 256 new restaurants that included 149 Dunkin Donut restaurants
Monday, November 18, 2019
What would be political theorist Niccolo Machiavelli's position about Term Paper
What would be political theorist Niccolo Machiavelli's position about the Second Amendment in the contemporary United States - Term Paper Example He was one of the officials in the Florence Republican and was given a post to deal with military and diplomatic affairs. He was one of the most influential philosophers of the western politics. All other political theorist who came after him referred to him directly of indirectly in his or her work. His writings, like The Prince and The Discourses of the First Ten books of Titus Livius, are well remembered by many authors and politicians who came after him (Soll, 34). Through his creativity in politics, therefore it was possible to predict what he would have said on the second amendment on the United Statesââ¬â¢ constitution. This amendment was adopted in 1791 together with bill of rights. This amendment was to protect the United States citizens with the right of keeping and bearing firearms. However, Noccolo Machiavelli would have different opinions on this right to keep and bear arms. Machiavelli would support it and on the other hand, he would deny the rights giving different reasons. The second amendment grants the United States citizens to keep and bear firearms (Spitzer, 23). This right was given due to many reasons. Possession of the firearms was important in the following ways, it helps to repel dangerous invasions, grants one the right of personal defense, and it enables people in organizing militias. Machiavelli would have supported this amendment because in his writing, he said that before anything else, each person must be armed. He advised that military service should a responsibility to every citizen. Therefore, every citizen should have a possession of some firearms to ensure that the society is secured from any invasion. He supported possession of arms giving reasons that good men do not make war the only profession neither can a good government can allow its citizens to make war the only profession (Soll, 37). He advised that each government should practice the art on war during the time of peace but war should occur when it is necessary to acquire glory. He believed that every citizen is considered a good man when he uses those arms in a correct way that is meant for. In addition, a government is considered well government when it uses its military to serve that society in a wrong way. Therefore, he would support the second amendment of the constitution. Furthermore, Machiavelli would support the second amendment of the United Statesââ¬â¢ constitution, which grants citizens the right of possessing firearms by claiming that this right would show that the government thrusts its citizens. Failure to grant the citizens this right, it will show that the government lacks faith to the citizens. This would make the citizens hate the government. However, the citizens should not be disarmed to ensure that the relationship between them and the government is kept in touch. This shows that Machiavelli would support the second amendment of United States constitution. There are some reasons that would make Machiavelli oppose the second amendment of the United States constitution. As the constitution would give rights to the citizens to keep and bear firearms, Machiavelli will oppose it just in case the citizens will use the firearms in a wrong way. He would oppose it is saying that only good citizens would use the firearms during the necessary times to prevent invasion from other people. Those who will not follow this should be dealt accordingly. He said that not all people do good things all the time. This is because their minds change like tides and at times, they can cause arm without realizing what they are doing. Therefore, keeping and bearing of firearms should be abolished since it will cause a lot of harm if the citizens use them in a bad way. He would argue this idea that not everyone
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Side Effects of Tumor Size Reducing Drugs | Experiment
Side Effects of Tumor Size Reducing Drugs | Experiment Manish Kumar Tiwari 1. Introduction: Objective: Pfizer have developed a new drug that appears to reduce the size of specific tumors but are concerned about what effect the drug might have on normal tissue. Outline how you would use DNA technology to address this issue. Cancer disease has large complexities in terms of genome variations at genetic level and epigenetic level. Immortalization and tumor genesis are the two fundamental characteristics of cancerous cells. This disease is caused by mutations in genes such as oncogenes, DNA repairing genes and tumor suppressor genes. Recent researches suggested that more than one mutations are needed for the cancers. One of the major drawbacks of the medicines or drugs that are used to treat cancer is its side effects on normal cells. The cells which are mostly affected by drugs are rapidly dividing cells such as blood cells, hair follicles cells, cells found in tract of reproductive organ and digestive system, and cells from immune system. Side effects on normal cells due to chemotherapy has become major challenges for researchers. Transcriptome or protein expression profiling for cancerous cells treated with specific drugs may provide useful information about possible side effects on normal cells. When a ny drugs or medicines are given for the treatment of any specific tumor disease, it binds with specific receptors (cell surface receptors, Cytoplasmic receptors or nuclear receptors) and leads to transcription and translation process and generate specific proteins that can be able to stop the cell cycle or initiation of apoptosis. But generally these drugs may also responsible to translation of unwanted proteins that can cause side effects on normal tissues. 2. Approach: Mode of action of many drugs that reduces the size of tumor are related to growth cycle (like mutagen, MAP kinase pathway) or DNA modifications (transcription, translation etc.). This method is more suitable for in vivo testing in rats or mammalian cancerous cell lines which has been described here. The added tumor size reducing drug must bind with specific receptors on the tumor cells. So first step is the identification of pathway via which it acts. In the downstream signaling of the pathway, some transcription factors will be activated and will bind to target promoter and reduces the size of tumor. So then transcription factors need to be quantified by qPCR as well as the sequence of their promoter through DNA Foot Printing. Now two plasmids need to be constructed (minimum two plasmids, if there are more transcription factors and promoters, more plasmids with different fluorescent proteins are needed) containing above identified promoter coupled with red fluorescent protein (RFP) and containing a tumor inducible promoter coupled with green fluorescent protein (GFP). Now for in vivo testing, mutant mouse are created and transfected with above two plasmids. During the growth, the known tumor inducing compounds/radiation is given to the mouse to induce the tumor. As the drug is added, it will cause induction of RFP through the body but level may be higher in tumor cells but GFP should be induced only in the tumor cells. If GFP is induced in other normal cells it means that this drug may cause side effect on that cells. A fluorescent mapping of mouse will reveal the efficacy and side effects of drug based on RFP and GFP intensity.à à Figure 1: Schematic presentation of approach. The image of mice is taken from internet which has been used to explain the method. 3. Method: This method is suitable for in vivo testing in mice or mammalian cells culture. The main steps include quantification and identification of transcription factors and promoter sequences respectively, construction of suitable plasmids coupled with red and green fluorescent proteins, transfection of plasmids in mice body, tumor induction in mice body followed by drug injection and last fluorescent mapping using fluorescent detector. The instruments and techniques which will be used in this methods are qRT-PCR, DNase Foot Printing assay, Suitable plasmids vector, microinjections, Chemicals, fluorescent proteins (red and green), capillary electrophoresis, tumor inducing cells or chemicals or radiation and fluorescent detector. Validation of this method is important so validation could be possible by using this method for any known drug which side effects on normal cells has been identified completely. 3.1. Quantification of Transcription Factor: The exact quantification of transcription factor is the most important part of this method. Micro array or PCR is the good technique for quantification of transcription factors but in this method qPCR/QRT-PCR will be appropriate technique. First step is isolation of cancer cells from mammalian cancerous cell lines. Then inject target anti-cancer drug and incubate for some time because these drugs takes some time to start their function. After proper incubation, total or poly A RNA extraction is the next step. The solution which is used in extraction process should be RNase free otherwise it can degrade our RNA so that exact quantification could not be possible. Sample should be treated with DNase to remove genomic DNA contamination. Flow Chart 1: Steps involved in quantification of Transcription factors Electrophoresis and qPCR methods could be used for determination of purity and accurate concentration because these factors are very important for proper gene expression profiling. Then C DNA synthesis and validation of C DNA quality and quantity could be done by using qRT-PCR. For performing qRT-PCR assay there are two important steps such as selection of appropriate reference genes and designing of PCR primer labeled with fluorescent dye must be needed. For data analysis fluorescent detector can be used to detect transcription factors and their associated genes. Now once genes have been identified by using above method so the identification of their promoter sequence DNA Foot Printing assay will be performed. 3.2. Identification of Promoter Sequence: DNase Foot printing assay method can be used to identify target promoter sequence. Steps involved in this method is amplification of target DNA through PCR using fluorescent labeled primer at 5ââ¬â¢ end. Then cleavage of the amplified DNA by using DNase enzyme followed by the capillary electrophoresis. The cleavage pattern will vary due to the presence of transcription factor, because the binding sites are protected by the protein from the cleavage. By using this method we can identify the promoter sequences. By using capillary electrophoresis we can identify the amount and size of DNA fragments and about the bases which are not cleaved by the DNase enzyme. Figure 2: Identification of promoter sequences through DNA Foot Printing assay. The graph between amount and size of DNA fragments in this figure is showing the bases which are protected by the transcription factor against DNase enzyme. 3.3. Construction of Suitable Plasmids: Construction of suitable expression vectors for mammalian cells, that can carry the desired promoter sequence coupled with fluorescent protein must be needed. The most important characteristics of vectors is presence of all elements that is suitable for expression in host cells. The important elements are promoter, stop and start codon, binding sites for ribosome, ORI region and appropriate selection markers. Some examples of vectors like adenoviral, PSV and pCMV are generally used for expression in mammalian cells. In this method, our expression vectors should contain promoter sequence labeled with red and green fluorescent protein and other important elements. Minimum two type of plasmid vectors need to be constructed. One plasmid should have promoter coupled with RFP which has not induced by the tumor inducible transcription factors. Other plasmid should have tumor inducible promoter coupled with green fluorescent protein. Our main idea is to inject these vectors into the mutated mice body so that we also need to remove the other elements of vectors that can cause any unwanted diseases in mutated mice. The vectors like pED and Pz can be used for the expression in mammalian cells. Figure 3: Construction of plasmids containing promoter coupled with Red and Green fluorescent protein. The very first step for the construction of the recombinant plasmid is the cleavage of both plasmid and target DNA with promoter sequence coupled with fluorescent protein using suitable restriction enzymes. The restriction enzymes creates sticky or blunt ends (depends on type of restriction enzyme used) in both plasmid and target DNA. Next step is the hybridization of both DNA and plasmid using DNA ligase enzyme. Selection of cells having plasmid with desired sequence is very important so further we need to selection of appropriate vector by using selection markers like antibiotic resistance genes. 3.4. Transfection: The transfer of desired plasmid inside the mice body could be possible through many ways such as microinjection, electroporation, shotgun method, through chemicals and viral infections. Transfection through viral infection has some limitations like limited carrying capacity of desired gene and unwanted inflammatory mutations. However, transfection through viral infection have some advantages like easy to handle, easy preparation and easily monitoring during the process. So, in this method transfection of plasmid in mice should be done directly through microinjection into the mice body. One another way for transfection of recombinant plasmids in mice is through recombinant Baculovirus. Baculovirus infects insect cells. Purified budded virus can be isolate from the infected insect cells with recombinant Baculovirus. This purified budded virus can be introduced inside the mice body. For the study of side effects on normal cells in whole body of mice it is very important that this recomb inant plasmids will reach every parts of body along with tumor affected parts. 3.5. Induction of Tumor in Mice: Mammalian cancerous cell lines or cell DNA extracted from virally infected cells can be able to induce cancer in mice. Once theses tumorgenic cells is injected inside the mice body it develop specific tumor. After developing cancer in mice body, anti-cancer drug is administered through injection to show the efficacy and side effects on cancerous and non-tumor cells. When drugs binds with specific target receptors, it will induce both promoters but with varying intensity. The promoter coupled with RFP will show intensities in both normal and tumor cells but may be higher in tumor cells. But GFP should be induced only in tumor cells if it is inducing in other normal cells with high intensity then it may cause side effects on those normal cells. 3.6. Fluorescent Mapping: Analysis of fluorescent mapping of these promoters in different locations of the mice body can provide useful information about possible side effects against designed anti-cancer drugs. For example if GFP will be induced in other cells like hair cells, heart cells, bone marrow cells than we can predict the side effects on these cells because the drug should not induce translational process in normal cells. If this drug induces promoters only in tumor cells then the chances of side effects may be less. We can study possible side effects against various drugs by using this method. Figure 4: This picture has been modified for illustrating the possible results that can be produced by this method. Region B and C in this figure are representing the cancerous cells where GFP has been expressed. Region A is representing the normal cells where GFP has been also expressed so this drug may cause side effects on this cells. 3.7. Validation of the Method: This approach has not been validated because this is the hypothesis only. For the testing of this method whether it is working efficiently or not need to be validated. An efficient approach has been described here. For the validation of this method we need to perform this method on known anti-cancer drugs for specific type of cancers. This method can be apply for known drugs which side effects on normal cells have been identified completely. If fluorescent mapping provide exact location in the body where GFP has been induced and if these locations are related with those areas where this specific drug causes side effects then this method will be validated. But proper validation need to be tested for various anti-tumor drugs which side effects has been completely known. 4. Discussion: There are so many side effects associated with anti-cancer drugs because these drugs mainly affects rapidly dividing cells and immune system. The drugs or medicines that are currently used have always some common side effects like typhlitis, diarrhea and hair loss but sometimes these drugs cause serious side effects like liver damage and cardiac arrest because these drugs are unable to differentiate rapidly growing normal and cancerous cells. So that development of proper efficient method for testing possible side effects for any anti-cancer drugs should be developed. In this section a good approach has been described for the identification of possible side effects on normal cells. The idea is based on the role of transcription factors induced by the drug- receptors interactions. As instance certain anti-tumor drugs causes anemia when used for the treatment of specific tumor. Generally the gene called HBB is responsible for anemia because this gene encode beta globins protein. It mea ns that these drugs also induces transcription factor that is responsible for activation of HBB gene. The fluorescent mapping of unknown anti-cancer drug against specific cancer can provides useful information about possible side effects. The figure 4 which has been modified to illustrate the possible results that can be achieved through this method. If the drug is not inducing GFP in normal cells except cancerous cells it means drug will not cause any side effects on normal cells but vice versa if GFP is expressing in other cells along with tumor cells so we can predict possible side effects on those cells because this method is also useful to find out what type of protein or transcription factors are expressed. By using bioinformatics data bases like PDB, Gene bank etc, functions of expressed proteins or transcription factors can be easily predict. The method which has been described above has not validate yet because this method is only a hypothesis that need further advancement and validation. 5. References: Lohmann, S., Herold, A., Bergauer, T., Belousov, A., Betzl, G., Demario, M., Dietrich, M., Luistro, L., Poignà ©e-Heger, M., Schostack, K., Simcox, M., Walch, H., Yin, X., Zhong, H. and Weisser, M. (2013). Gene expression analysis in biomarker research and early drug development using function tested reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR assays. Methods, 59(1), pp.10-19. Swartzman, E., Shannon, M., Lieu, P., Chen, S., Mooney, C., Wei, E., Kuykendall, J., Tan, R., Settineri, T., Egry, L. and Ruff, D. (2010). Expanding applications of protein analysis using proximity ligation and qPCR. Methods, 50(4), pp.S23-S26. Genetics Home Reference, (2014). HBB gene. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Nov. 2014]. Dubensky, T., Campbell, B. and Villarreal, L. (1984). Direct transfection of viral and plasmid DNA into the liver or spleen of mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 81(23), pp.7529-7533. Caldana, C., Scheible, W., Mueller-Roeber, B. and Ruzicic, S. (2007). A quantitative RT-PCR platform for high-throughput expression profiling of 2500 rice transcription factors. Plant Methods, 3(1), p.7. Kim, T. and Eberwine, J. (2010). Mammalian cell transfection: the present and the future. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 397(8), pp.3173-3178.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Nature in the Rastafarian Consciousness Essay -- essays papers
Nature in the Rastafarian Consciousness Living in harmony with the environment and the laws of Nature is one of the central ideas of Rastafarianism. To live in accordance with the Earth is to live in accordance with Jah; it is incorporated into the morality that is Rastafarian consciousness. The Rasta's reverence for nature is influenced by the traditional African religions which are still practiced in Jamaica and which have also influenced Christianity on the island tremendously. Hinduism, too, has influenced many Rastafarian beliefs and practices. Through the Rastafarian's calculated rejection of Western cultural norms they have come to realize capitalism and the environmental destruction it has caused as Babylon, a place of destruction and greed. In order to escape this"Babylon system"a lifestyle has been employed that is focused on a correlation between man and nature. This lifestyle is an environmentally sound ideal that others around the World are only now beginning to strive for. The African Tradition In order to understand the Rastafarian idealism relating to the environment we must first consider the traditions from which it came. In Jamaica, the survival of the African religious tradition can be felt throughout the island. Most clearly this religious tradition is demonstrated by Kumina groups. Kumina is generally accepted as being West African in origin; brought here by the Ashanti. These people above all others were taken for the slave trade because the British regarded them as an especially sturdy and good for labor (Barrett 16,1997.) The Ashanti came to dominate slave, and later, peasant society, especially within the realm of religion. The practice eventually spread throughout the slave World (Barrett 17,19... ...go Press 1986) 5) Jacobs, Virginia Lee Roots of Rastafari (San Diego, Slawson Communications, Inc 1985) 6) Johnson-Hill, Jack A. I-Sight, The World of Rastafari: An Interpretive Sociological Account of Rastafarian Ethics (Metuchen N.J., The American Theological Library Ass. And Scarecrow Press, Ink. 1995) 7) Morrish, Ivan Jamaica and its Religions (Cambridge, James Clarke and Co. 1982) 8) Reddington, Norman Rastafari History,`laingg/rasta.html May 1995 9) Turner, Terisa Arise Ye Mighty People: Gender, Class, and Race in Popular Struggles,"The New Society"(Trenton, Africa World Press, 1994) 10) Witvliet, Theo A Place in the Sun: An Introductio to Liberation Theology in the Third World (SCM Press Ltd. 1985) 11) Youd, Ital Itations of Jamaica and I Rastafari... the First Itation (Miami, Judah Anbesa Ihntahnahshinch 1987)
Monday, November 11, 2019
Buzz Marketing
Buzz Marketing is a type of word-of-mouth marketing. Word-of-mouth marketing is when businesses, products, services, or events are promoted in written or oral form via happy customers who tell others about their positive experience. Word-of-mouth marketing is considered to be a more credible source of advertising because the recipient is hearing the information from someone who is not perceived to be out for a profit. Furthermore, the person making the recommendation has their reputation on the line for making the suggestion. Consumers are more likely to trust someone that they know and like than they are to trust media that has selfish interests. When specifically talking about buzz marketing, as opposed to the more broad word-of-mouth marketing, it is described as an interaction of consumers and customers (users) of a product, service, business, or event, that increases the strength of the marketing message. This can create excitement, anticipation, positive association, etc, which is called ââ¬Å"buzzâ⬠. The buzz is both the marketing by the company and the reaction by the customers and potential customers. Some examples of successful buzz marketing campaigns would be the hype surrounding the Ford Fiesta cars, Harry Potter movies, Twilight movies, Dexter television series, Volkswagenââ¬â¢s new beattle cars, the Blair Witch Project movies, and the beanie babies bean stuffed animals. For the Ford Fiesta cars, Ford gave 100 consumers a Ford Fiesta car to drive for 6 months. They were asked to complete different missions every month including delivering Meals on Wheels, taking treats to the National Guard, wrestling alligators, going to elope, etc. The participants then started sharing their adventures on social media sites such as YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, Ustream, etc. This experiment was an enormous success. Ford got 6 and a half million views on YouTube and 50,000 information requests. Most of the requests came from non-Ford owners. Ford spent a very small amount of money on this campaign compared to how much a typical TV campaign would have cost. The beanie babies were another good buzz marketing campaign. People became crazed with collecting the stuffed animals because Ty Warner Inc. (the creator) created a false sense of scarcity. They purposely ââ¬Å"retiredâ⬠certain animals to make them valuable. They also would not sell them in large toy stores. They made people think that they were scarce and that they would be valuable into the future. Kids were going crazy making their parents buy them. Even many adults became beanie baby collectors. Ty didnââ¬â¢t even have to do traditional advertising. They were able to rely on word-of-mouth. They even tried to keep new animal releases secretive and wanted to not advertise so that people would think that they were ââ¬Å"undergroundâ⬠. Ty Warner did such an incredible job of buzz marketing that he was able to make himself a billionaire just off of selling stuffed toys. Ty created an empire worth $6 billion dollars. He did this during the 1990ââ¬â¢s. This was before social media had started. It is likely that if this was done today that social media would have helped him to make a lot more money. The Blair Witch Project movie ended up being very successful due to buzz marketing as well. People who went to see the movie thought that they were going to see a documentary about a true story. When moviegoers were viewing the movie they were genuinely scarred because they thought it was real. Obviously successful buzz marketing is much cheaper and more effective than traditional advertising. It can be done for as little as no money. But its effect can be massive. It can also backfire. It is impossible to know for sure how consumers will run with your initial buzz marketing idea. You can create a story and a buzz, but there is no way to know for sure that consumers will turn that into a positive buzz or that it wonââ¬â¢t just fizzle out quickly. In order to attempt to create a buzz you need to start a compelling story. This story needs to have elements such as taboo, unusual, outrageous, salacious, interesting, secretive remarkable and/or hilarious. This story then needs to create a conversation. The conversation needs to engage consumers and make them keep the story alive. The bottom line in buzz marketing is that it can be very effective. A company with an unlimited advertising budget has the option of reaching every single consumer in America. But that only amounts to 300 million impressions. An impression does not necessarily lead to a sale. A successful buzz marketing campaign does much more than have impressions, it gets peoplesââ¬â¢ interest. A sensational story makes a potentially boring product a compelling item that consumers want to buy. Buzz Marketing Buzz Marketing is a type of word-of-mouth marketing. Word-of-mouth marketing is when businesses, products, services, or events are promoted in written or oral form via happy customers who tell others about their positive experience. Word-of-mouth marketing is considered to be a more credible source of advertising because the recipient is hearing the information from someone who is not perceived to be out for a profit. Furthermore, the person making the recommendation has their reputation on the line for making the suggestion. Consumers are more likely to trust someone that they know and like than they are to trust media that has selfish interests. When specifically talking about buzz marketing, as opposed to the more broad word-of-mouth marketing, it is described as an interaction of consumers and customers (users) of a product, service, business, or event, that increases the strength of the marketing message. This can create excitement, anticipation, positive association, etc, which is called ââ¬Å"buzzâ⬠. The buzz is both the marketing by the company and the reaction by the customers and potential customers. Some examples of successful buzz marketing campaigns would be the hype surrounding the Ford Fiesta cars, Harry Potter movies, Twilight movies, Dexter television series, Volkswagenââ¬â¢s new beattle cars, the Blair Witch Project movies, and the beanie babies bean stuffed animals. For the Ford Fiesta cars, Ford gave 100 consumers a Ford Fiesta car to drive for 6 months. They were asked to complete different missions every month including delivering Meals on Wheels, taking treats to the National Guard, wrestling alligators, going to elope, etc. The participants then started sharing their adventures on social media sites such as YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, Ustream, etc. This experiment was an enormous success. Ford got 6 and a half million views on YouTube and 50,000 information requests. Most of the requests came from non-Ford owners. Ford spent a very small amount of money on this campaign compared to how much a typical TV campaign would have cost. The beanie babies were another good buzz marketing campaign. People became crazed with collecting the stuffed animals because Ty Warner Inc. (the creator) created a false sense of scarcity. They purposely ââ¬Å"retiredâ⬠certain animals to make them valuable. They also would not sell them in large toy stores. They made people think that they were scarce and that they would be valuable into the future. Kids were going crazy making their parents buy them. Even many adults became beanie baby collectors. Ty didnââ¬â¢t even have to do traditional advertising. They were able to rely on word-of-mouth. They even tried to keep new animal releases secretive and wanted to not advertise so that people would think that they were ââ¬Å"undergroundâ⬠. Ty Warner did such an incredible job of buzz marketing that he was able to make himself a billionaire just off of selling stuffed toys. Ty created an empire worth $6 billion dollars. He did this during the 1990ââ¬â¢s. This was before social media had started. It is likely that if this was done today that social media would have helped him to make a lot more money. The Blair Witch Project movie ended up being very successful due to buzz marketing as well. People who went to see the movie thought that they were going to see a documentary about a true story. When moviegoers were viewing the movie they were genuinely scarred because they thought it was real. Obviously successful buzz marketing is much cheaper and more effective than traditional advertising. It can be done for as little as no money. But its effect can be massive. It can also backfire. It is impossible to know for sure how consumers will run with your initial buzz marketing idea. You can create a story and a buzz, but there is no way to know for sure that consumers will turn that into a positive buzz or that it wonââ¬â¢t just fizzle out quickly. In order to attempt to create a buzz you need to start a compelling story. This story needs to have elements such as taboo, unusual, outrageous, salacious, interesting, secretive remarkable and/or hilarious. This story then needs to create a conversation. The conversation needs to engage consumers and make them keep the story alive. The bottom line in buzz marketing is that it can be very effective. A company with an unlimited advertising budget has the option of reaching every single consumer in America. But that only amounts to 300 million impressions. An impression does not necessarily lead to a sale. A successful buzz marketing campaign does much more than have impressions, it gets peoplesââ¬â¢ interest. A sensational story makes a potentially boring product a compelling item that consumers want to buy.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven versus Smoke Signals
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven versus Smoke Signals Free Online Research Papers What does it mean to be an Indian? First of all you have to be a warrior and to look like a warrior, to look ââ¬Å"stoicâ⬠, secondly you have to be connected with Mother Earth by understanding the sound of nature and what it wants to say, then you necessarily have to have visions, to ride horses and to hunt buffalos. This is what most of the people think when they say ââ¬Å"Indianâ⬠. But Sherman Alexie ,in his volume ââ¬Å"The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heavenâ⬠and then the movie Smoke Signals based on one story from this volume- Thus Is What it Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona- try to present the image of the real Indian in the real life and work against this ââ¬Å"formerly-held stereotypes to form a new, uniquely Spokane identityâ⬠all these in a humorous, ironic manner. Alexie, in his volume tries to reinvent the way back to tradition of the modern Indians. They are people with double identity who donââ¬â¢t know how to report themselves to their traditions, how to react towards it, what is important and what is less important. Sometimes, in most of the cases, they make fun of their history and traditions and realize that now ,they are totally different and that they have to live in the real life although sometimes we sense a feeling of melancholy towards the past, because then ,the Indians had a role, a purpose, now , they have nothing ââ¬Å"it is too late to be warriors in the old way. All horses are goneâ⬠. Now they have only stereotypes to face, alcohol to survive and broken dreams .â⬠Alexies characters confront the dilemma of how to be real Indians, of how to find their true names, their adult names , of how to find a warrior dignity and courage when it is too late to be warriors in the old way, of how to ameliorate what Adrian C . Louis has termed the ghost-pain of history that haunting sense of personal and cultural loss that generates a paralyzingâ⬠.(Jerome Denuccio) The characters Alexie has created are aware of the stereotypes that are commonly associated with them and they are working to make fun of and unmask the traditional conception of the Indian character. In the end this is what Alexie wanted: to accomplish a criticism of the stereotypical portrayal of Indian life. In an interview Alexie criticizes the traditional Native American literature and its writers who wrote ââ¬Å"wish fulfillment booksâ⬠.He even indicates N. Scott Momadayââ¬â¢ Pulitzer Prize winning ââ¬Å"House Made of Dawnâ⬠.The struggles of his character are different from Abelââ¬â¢s ââ¬âthe main character on Momaday, and the solutions they find to understand their identity are also different because ââ¬Å"they are Indians who do not fit the traditional mold of Indian characterâ⬠. We are shown the anguish the characters experience when Thomas-Builds-The-Fire compares time with skeletons. Your past is a skeleton walking one step behind you, and your future is a skeleton walking one step in front of you. Indians, thus, are always trapped in the now. But the skeletons are not necessarily evil, unless you let them be. Because these skeletons are made of memories, dreams, and voices, and because they are wrapped up in the now, it becomes imperative to keep moving, keep walking, in step with your skeletons.( Jerome DeNuccio)) This comparison demonstrates that Alexie is trying to make their characters get out of the trap of the suspended Indian, the one with no connection to reality. The story ââ¬Å"This is what it means to say Phoenix, Arizonaâ⬠presents the journey of Victor and Thomas to obtain the remains of Victorââ¬â¢s dead father. In the text Alexie subverts the stereotypes of Indians again with trikery and irony. The film, Smoke Signals is mostly based on the story and all the characters are interpreted by native American actors. â⬠The film is so relaxed about its characters, so much at home in their world, that we sense itââ¬â¢s an inside jobâ⬠. While Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven was a series of discrete stories about a single group of characters, the film attempts to render them into one. ââ¬Å"Alexies stories fictionalize a real life, a life of drunkenness, unemployment and basketball. Thomass narrative can be seen as a way not only of rationalizing the brutality of reservation life, but also of coping with itâ⬠. In Smoke Signals there seems to be pressure on Alexie and Eyre(the director) to conform to a Holly wood road movie format. What we donââ¬â¢t manage to see in the movie but we do see in the book is the cruelty of this isolated life in the reservation, a life without a future. The film begins with the shot of the traffic reporter, who is also the radio dj in the reservation saying ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s a good day to be indigenousâ⬠. After this he scrutinizes an intersection that doesnââ¬â¢t seem to be very used and he announces ââ¬Å"A big truck just went byâ⬠and then we hear a chorus from a song about John Wayneââ¬â¢s false teeth. This is how the spectator is introduced to the reservation of these Spokane Indians. The movie opens in Idaho on a significant day: the Fourth of July ,1976.Itââ¬â¢s an important day for America ,but not for the Indians because in the end it was not their independence. In spite of that they celebrate it year after year. This year was a significant day also for the infant Thomas-Builds-The-Fire, who is saved from death by being thrown from the window when his house burns down. He is saved by Arnold Joseph, a neighbor with a drinking problem who has a son of the same age, Victor. Thomas and Victor grow up together but Thomas has a flaw, in the eyes of the others: he is a storyteller. Although in ancient times, being a storyteller was a pride in the community, nowadays it has become a shame. Now he is ââ¬Å"that crazy Indian storyteller with ratty old braids and broken teethâ⬠as Victor describes him. But Thomas is aware of the importance of his stories when he says: ââ¬Å"We are all given one thing by which our lives are measured, one determination. Mine are the stories which can change or not change the world. It doesnââ¬â¢t matter which as long as I continue to tell the stories[â⬠¦] I have no brothers or sisters. I have only my stories which came to me before I even had words to speak. I learned a thousand stories before I took my first thousand steps. They are all I have. Itââ¬â¢s all I can do .â⬠Thomas, by his storytelling represents the old Indian, in connection with the past , but he is not the traditional warrior, savage, exotic. He is a kid mocked at and beaten up for his storytelling that brings everybody to exasperation. And this is because none of them has the ability to understand him. Their are confused about their identity, ashamed with their past of which want to get rid. As an adult ,Thomasââ¬â¢s life is filled with the same absence of friends and ridicule because the others see him and accept him as an oddity, rather than someone who can teach them about their past. But with this story Alexie(and in the movie) shows that in that reservation exists at least one person who notices his stories and their purpose for him as a person, and that is Victor. We notice that Thomas is used as a source of humor but always with a role, to stress the wrong image the others have of Indians and tradition and to erase the stereotype. The first example is when Victor meets Thomas at the store, after his father died. â⬠Their conversation is an opportunity for Alexie to poke fun at the myth that Indians have a greater connection to the earth and can listen to the wind to tell the future.â⬠ââ¬Å"Victor, Iââ¬â¢m sorry about your fatherâ⬠Thomas said. ââ¬Å"How did you know about it?â⬠Victor asked. ââ¬Å"I heard it on the wind. I heard it from the birds. I felt it in the sunlight. Also, your mother was just in here cryingâ⬠. Here Thomas is the image of the suspended Indian with no connection to reality and also an instrument of sarcasm. The role of Thomasââ¬â¢s storytelling is also didactic because teach us and the one who listen to him many things about the life in the reservation. For example, the story told in a summer, when the two were kids, is a state of Indian reservation life and presents the lack of a role for the Indian boys to fulfill nowadays. â⬠There were these two Indian boys who wanted to be warriors. But it was too late to be warriors in the old way. All the horses were gone. So the two Indian boys stole a car and drove to the city. They parked the stolen car in front of the police station and then hitchhiked back home to the reservation. When they got back, all their friend cheered and their parentââ¬â¢s eyes shone with pride. You were brave, everybody said to the Indian boys. Very brave.â⬠. This is an amusing but at the same time a sad story of the inability of the boys to be warriors. The movie is interesting because we manage to see the faces and reactions of the real Indians, the Indians who are not victims of their culture, who donââ¬â¢t live in the past and define themselves by the crimes committed against their people. They are just ordinary people, trying to survive and to understand and discover themselves, not their ancestors; they are the next generation. When his father is dead and he wants to go and pick up his ashes, Victor finds himself in the situation of not having enough money to go to Phoenix. But Thomas has this money and he offers to buy the bus tickets if Victor takes him along. This is not an easy decision for Victor who has never liked the ââ¬Å"skinny, talkative Thomasâ⬠, being a quiet, proud man. Before leaving for Arizona Victorââ¬â¢s mother tells him that he should listen to the others too and that tradition is important. This can be an announcement of the fact that, till the end Victor will manage to discover himself and to understand the role of Thomas in his life. ââ¬Å"As they are on the way to Arizona ,the two characters talk and the dialogue becomes the heart of the movieâ⬠. At a certain moment, the reserved Victor, impatient with Thomasââ¬â¢s chatter accuses him of having learned most of what he knows about Indians by watching ââ¬Å"Dances with wolvesâ⬠and advises him to spend more time looking ââ¬Å"stoicâ⬠. In order to be an Indian he says that he should look mean, like a warrior, to leave his hair free, not braided and to get rid of the suit. Victor: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦I mean, how many times have you seen Dances with Wolves ?A hundred? two hundred times? â⬠¦Oh, jeez, you have seen it that many times, havenââ¬â¢t you? Man, do you think that shit is real? God. Donââ¬â¢t you even know to how to be a real Indian? Thomas (whispering): I guess not Victor (disgusted): Well, shit, no wonder. Jezz, I guess Iââ¬â¢ll have to teach you then, enit? First of all, quit grinning like an idiot. Indians ainââ¬â¢t supposed to smile like that. Get stoicâ⬠¦You got to look like you just got back from killing a buffalo. Thomas: But our tribe never hunted buffalo. We were fishermen. Victor: What? You want to look like you just came back from catching fish? It ainââ¬â¢t Dances with Salmon, you know? Man, you think a fisherman is tough? Thomas, you got to look like a warrior. ââ¬Å"This scene plays with the notion of a stereotyped Indian identity and ends up confronting racism face to face. At the next stop Thomas returns from the toilet a different figure, his hair unbraided, his suit replaced by a Frybread Power T-shirt and jeans. He is happy and relaxed, only to find two rednecks have taken their seats. The deflation is palpable.â⬠The scene is also a good example of how Victor rejects stereotypes and at the same time embraces them .He is confused. He doesnââ¬â¢t know who he is, but till the end, when both of them will obtain the ashes, they will also obtain some wisdom, they will discover each other: ââ¬Å"the taciturn, inward man who was abused as a child, and the orphan who, it is true, seems to have gotten his world view at secondhand through the mediaâ⬠. The two boys represent the future, but Arnold, Victorââ¬â¢s father is the past. He is a more complicated person than his son imagines and he is able to inspire the respect of the woman he was living with in Phoenix. There are some flashbacks in the movie that help in the revealing of the true character of the man to his son who has only resentment against him. First of all he finds out that his father was the one who set the house on fire that day, but he saved his life and now he is ââ¬Å"waiting for himâ⬠. After he ââ¬Å"killedâ⬠his friends, the first thing he did was to cut his hair. In that moment a part of the Indian in him died. Then, he hid in the alcohol but he couldnââ¬â¢t bear living there anymore so he had to leave. And ââ¬Å"when Indians leave, they donââ¬â¢t come back.â⬠. He didnââ¬â¢t want to leave his son, but he had nothing else to do. But not a single day passed without having his son in mind. He talked with the others about him, he rec alled his victories, he even told lies, all because he was so proud of his son. These were things that Victor didnââ¬â¢t know about his father but which helped him understand why he had chosen to live far from him. On returning home, feeling that he owed Thomas something for helping fund their trip to Phoenix , Victor offers Thomas half his fathers ashes. Thomas accepts the gift and tells a story: Im going to travel to Spokane Falls one last time and toss these ashes into the water. And your father will rise like a salmon, leap over the bridge, over me, and find his way home. It will be beautiful. His teeth will shine like silver, like a rainbow. He will rise, Victor, he will rise. In the end Thomas and Victor manage to discover themselves and to surpass this confusion regarding their identity induced by the stereotypical image the others have of them. Thomas helps Victor to abandon the father who has abandoned him, and to think of his father in a cultural way , ââ¬Å"to reinterpret his father as a cultural tie, a point of continuity with the past, a fusion of historical memory and subjectivity (Said 158) that never stops, that, like the mythic phoenix, will always rise, a continual story of self emerging from the ash of older stories (98).â⬠( Jerome DeNuccio). In the book Sherman Alexie managed to accomplish a criticism of the stereotypical portrayal of the Indian life more freely than in the movie which encountered the commercial pressure and both the director and the writer had to limit themselves in what they had to say. Bibliography: Jerome DeNuccio, Critique (Atlanta, Ga.) 44 no1 86-96 Fall 2002 Research Papers on The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven versus Smoke SignalsWhere Wild and West MeetHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionMind TravelPETSTEL analysis of IndiaPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Essay19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementThe Spring and Autumn
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
All About Snow Fleas, a Wingless Insect
All About Snow Fleas, a Wingless Insect For the bug enthusiasts among us, its a happy day when we find snow fleas. At the end of a long, cold, nearly bug-free winter, we feel lucky to find a mass of tiny arthropods hopping about in the melting snow. Snow fleas are actually notà fleasà at all, but a kind ofà springtail. Because theyre tiny and tend to jump, they remind people of fleas and thus were given this inaccurate name. What Do Snow Fleas Look Like? From even a short distance away, snow fleas look like bits of dirt or pepper on the surface of the snow. They catch peoples attention because they have a habit of jumping. At times, snow fleas gather in such large numbers they make the snow look black or blue. They tend to aggregate on the surface of the snow around the trunks of trees. Take a closer look, however, and youll find that snow fleas look similar to other springtails. Theyre quite small, reaching only 2-3 millimeters in length. The springtails we find flinging themselves across the snow are usually blue in color. In North America, the snow fleas were likely to find belong to the genusà Hypogastrura. Why and How Do Snow Fleas Jump? Snow fleas are wingless insects, incapable of flying. They move by walking and jumping. But unlike other famous jumping arthropods likeà grasshoppersà orà jumping spiders, snow fleas dont use their legs to jump. Snow fleas catapult themselves into the air by releasing a spring-like mechanism called aà furcula, a sort of tail thats folded underneath its body - thus the name springtail. When the furcula releases, the snow flea is launched several inches in the air, a considerable distance for such a tiny bug. Its an effective way to flee potential predators quickly, although they have no way to steer. Why Do Snow Fleas Gather on the Snow? Snow fleas live in the soil and leaf litter, even in the winter months, where they munch away on decaying vegetation and other organic matter. Springtails are actually quite common and abundant, but theyre so tiny that they tend to blend in and go unnoticed. Remarkably, snow fleas dont freeze in the winter thanks to a special kind of protein in their bodies. This protein is rich inà glycine, anà amino acid, which enables the protein to bind to ice crystals and keep them from growing. It works much like the antifreeze we put in our cars. The antifreeze protein allows snow fleas to remain alive and active even in subzero temperatures. On warm and sunny winter days, particularly as we get closer to spring, snow fleas make their way up through the snow, perhaps in search of food. As they gather in numbers on the white surface, flinging themselves from place to place, they attract our attention. How Do I Get Rid of Snow Fleas? Why would you want to get rid of snow fleas? Theyre perfectly harmless. They dont bite, they cant make you sick, and they wont hurt your plants. In fact, they help improve your soil by breaking down organic material. Leave them be. Once the snow melts and spring arrives, youll forget theyre even there - unless you like bugs, in which case you may find yourself searching for them in the soil. Sources: Springtails, by Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University.Springtails and Snowfleas, Insect Diagnostic Laboratory, Cornell University.Snow fleas: helpful winter critters, by Katie Kline, Ecological Society of America, January 28, 2011.Structural Modeling of Snow Flea Antifreeze Protein, by Feng-Hsu Lin, Laurie A. Graham,à Robert L. Campbell, and Peter L. Davies,à Biophysical Journal, March 1, 2007.Snow fleas are conspicuous but harmless, by Jeff Hahn, University of Minnesota Extension, March 26, 2014.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Technological Determinism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Technological Determinism - Essay Example d since that society plans itself to endorse and further develop technology right after it has been introduced (Thurlow, Crispin, Lengel, Laura, Tomic 44). This paper will discuss how might technological determinism can be applied to the way that the news media, advertisers and individuals talk about the emergence of certain new communication technologies and also how technology determinism shapes how people use these technologies. This paper will generally address new technologies such as the Internet, social media services, IPTV (Internet protocol television, like Apple TV), video games, cell phones or other specific examples of your choosing. Journalists are normally overly occupied. In the field, when, at times, there is gunfire plus ever-present danger/risk, a journalist or reporter has a lot on his or her hands (Thurlow et al. 44). Not only are there demands for survival, but also there are worries concerning how the equipment will work, will internet be there and how will the report go about attempting to comprehend something maybe in a language that they do not comprehend, for instance, English journalists/reporters reporting an Arabic clash with the U.S. military (Thurlow 23). However, the social media has made this all easy. A journalist can take pictures for a far or even use already-uploaded picture of, for example, a war situation so that the public can know the matter at hand (Thurlow et al. 44). The social media has made this more effective using mobile technology wherein media houses can circulate images and anyone using a mobile can view them anywhere even without a television. Technological determinism can also be applied by advertisers and individuals to talk about the emergence of new communication technologies but advertising their products or even job vacancies to jobseekers (Thurlow 23). Today, more people use Facebook and Twitter more than they read newspapers. The normal portal, in the past, for advertising products has been through TV,
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Job Design as a Motivational Tool Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Job Design as a Motivational Tool - Essay Example Job enrichment is the practice of enhancing job content by building into it more motivating factors such as responsibility, achievement, recognition, and personal growth (Schermerhorn & Hunt & Osborn). A small business owner depends a lot on the output of their staff since resources are limited. The employees must be empowered by the owner in order to get more out these employees. The job enrichment strategy can be used effectively by proving the employee with higher level of involvement in the everyday activities of the business so that the employee feels that the overall performance of the company is highly dependent of the work the person is performing. Job enlargement increases the variety of tasks by combining two or more jobs into job description that used to be performed by different set of workers. This is a very typical scenario in a small business. Sometimes the accountant is also the marketing executives. The small business owner can use this strategy, but the owner must m ake sure the employee is being compensated adequately in financial terms so that the person does not feel he / she is being exploited. Job rotation is a work layout technique that involves a horizontal approach which involves the periodical shifting or rotating of employees into different job tasks. In small company job rotation occurs intrinsic without the employees noticing the business owner is shifting their job duties. The business need determines the rotation of the employee. Employees get motivated when the manager gives them different tasks to perform because the monotony of repetitive work tasks is eliminated. Employees enjoy working in a place where their time needs are part of the equation. A system that provides the flexibility employees desired is flextime. Flextime is a job design system that allows the employee to select the time he or she will
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